I've often had the same thought about mothers of five "struggling to survive on the minimum wage”.
/KURT SCHLICHTER: ”If you’re too poor to birth control-up, you’re too poor to screw and you need to get your ass a job before you start hitting it. Banging is for closers”
The Great Society and its War on Poverty converted welfare from a temporary handout to a permanent entitlement and a way of life, but did nothing for poverty except make more of it.
UPDATE: Until Holden drew my attention to it, the reference in Schlicthters phrase, “banging is for closers” eluded me, doubtless because I haven’t seen Glengarry Glen Rose. I’ll correct that omission tonight, but in the meantime, here’s one of he best monologues I’ve ever seen in a movie. I always knew David Mamet could write like a demon; Alec Baldwin’s acting is a huge surprise.
(Okay, update II: I just remembered “State and Main”, another Mamet film and another fine bit of acting by Baldwin. Somehow, Mamet must bring out the best in that lout)