As the Democrat's bill to shut down the gig economy works its way through Congress, California victims of AB5 protest

It’s actually called socialism and ironically enough, if this cartoonist lives in California, he’s probably already out of work

It’s actually called socialism and ironically enough, if this cartoonist lives in California, he’s probably already out of work

HB2474, a bill to force freelancers into labor unions and fixed-hour employment is lurking in the corridors down in D.C., awaiting Democrat victory in the fall, but California’s version took effect January 1, and it’s already killing thousands of jobs. Total death toll estimated in the millions.

The Chico Enterprise-Record:

SACRAMENTO — There were truck drivers demonstrating next to dancers, and singers standing in solidarity with court transcribers.

There were also massage therapists, sign language interpreters, choreographers, lots of freelance journalists and, of course, all manners of Democrats and Republicans, all united under the most unlikely of circumstances.

It took Assembly Bill 5 to bring such a diverse group to the west steps of the Capitol on Tuesday morning, where around 300 people listened to several speakers describe how the “gig economy” law had impacted — or, in many cases, eliminated — their livelihoods.

Stephen Kruiser adds:

AB5 is a union-backed effort that has no other aim than to generate more union dues. It masquerades as pro-worker but it’s ultimately a job-killer. Freelance workers deliberately trade certain corporate comforts for flexibility and freedom, which the union ghouls behind AB5 seek to destroy. It’s more nanny-state control-freak garbage from people who are envious.

Like me, most of the friends I left behind in California are freelance, self-employed entertainers and writers. AB5 is wreaking havoc with their lives. The ones who aren’t considering relocating to another state are being forced to incorporate, which I know firsthand is ridiculously expensive in California.

Leftists blather on about “workers’ rights” and “freedom” but don’t believe in either. It’s all about state control.

Every. Single. Time.