First he forced them to defend Iran, now he's got them embracing white nationalists. Trump: is there anything he can't do?

I’ve got ABC on my side!

I’ve got ABC on my side!

Joy Behar cheers Richard Spencer

Megan Fox, PJ Media:

I joked with the writing staff here when the story about Richard Spencer turning on Trump dropped earlier saying, "Watch, now. The left is going to endorse him." It didn't even take an hour. Joy Behar celebrated the famous anti-semitic Spencer, who advocates for breaking up the United States into racially pure states, on The View on Wednesday. The Babylon Bee is going to have to work much harder to satirize these people.

"There's some good news," Behar chirped cheerily. "Remember Richard Spencer, he's basically the organizer of Unite the Right the white nationalist group that was marching in Charlottesville that was all in for Trump? Not anymore!" she said, raising her arms in victory and smiling like a loon. Then she read Spencer's tweet that said he deeply regrets supporting Trump in 2016 and the audience cheered as Behar smiled and looked elated that a white supremacist joined her in her Trump Derangement Syndrome.

"Wow!" she said, continuing to beam like she had been given a new set of blackface paints.

Not all of Miss Behar’s fans were as enthusiastic:

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