Biden vows to place Muslims "at every level" of his government

Administrator EPA? Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff? Joe will let us know after the election.

Administrator EPA? Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff? Joe will let us know after the election.

Isn’t that nice. Of course, if he’s going for proportional representation, only 1% of the population is Muslim, so he need only appoint one terrorist per 100 new hires (and probably place them in our intelligence services and the military).

What about the boys who think they’re girls? They’re only 0.006 percent of the population, but just yesterday Joe called transgenderism “the number one civil rights issue in this country”, so perhaps we’ll see more than one general sporting a van Dyke and a mini skirt — heels optional, of course.

On Wednesday, Biden released a video message to Muslim Advocates, the association of Muslim lawyers that bears the primary responsibility for demanding, back in 2010, that the Obama administration remove all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training. Obama, of course, immediately complied, despite the fact that this would hamstring the ability of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to understand, and defeat, jihadists. And now Joe is working hard to show them that he will be just as solicitous.

“Today,” Biden declared, “trust is ebbing; hope seems elusive. Instead of healing, we’re being ripped apart.” That’s actually true, Joe, but whose fault is it, really? Biden continued: “And I refuse to let that happen. We have too bright a future to leave it shipwrecked on the shoals of anger and division.” After that poetic flight, Biden got to the point: “As president, I’ll work with you to rip the poison of hate from our society, honour your contributions and seek your ideas. My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level.”