Long known, but here it is again

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Twitter senior executives and it “neutral fact-checkers” have a long history of Trump-hating

Twitter’s senior executives have a long history of anti-Trump hatred, a Post review of dozens of accounts of top employees found.

The venom, vitriol and, in some cases, vows to help Joe Biden across the finish line in next month’s presidential election continue to live online as the company earlier this week decided to censor The New York Post’s revelations about Hunter Biden’s emails to a consultant for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

“GET HIM OUT,” posted a senior site reliability engineer on Aug. 18. “What a f–king baboon.”

One manager with almost nine years on the job said he was quite keen to watch Biden “crush [Trump] in the election” and that he hoped the president would “be utterly humiliated while also suffering greatly from #COVID19.” In another post he fantasized about the president being put on a ventilator.

He calls Trump “a f–king idiot” and the voters who elected him — “hysterically f–king stupid people.”

At the same time the employee has been a consistent cheerleader of his company’s efforts to rein in the president on the platform and curb the spread of “misinformation.”

“I’m really proud of how quickly we’ve worked to make this possible for the US elections,” he wrote.

Others publicly wish the president harm.

One Twitter engineering manager said Trump should “die in a fire” in a January 2017 tweet. A year later, he rang in the new year by saying “Happy 2018! Donald Trump is dead!”

One woman has worked at Twitter since 2012, with her only career interruption being a four-month stint as a data analyst for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. She boasted how her husband twice sued the Trump administration.

“Trump must be defeated,” opined another exec, a group product manager.

One employee took to Twitter last month to inform the world that her pup was part of the resistance as well.

“Every night my dog takes a crap on the lawn of the one house on our street with a Trump sign,” she said proudly.

And so on.

Related, “Biden slumps in polls after Ukrainian revelations. And that’s despite the news embargo imposed by the Democrats’ captive press.