Because white ANTIFA goons know a fascist when they see one

When will Biden condemn ANTIFA?

When will Biden condemn ANTIFA?

Free speech rally in San Francisco assaulted by ANTIFA.

A photographer working for The Associated Press witnessed a supporter of President Trump being taken away in an ambulance and a San Francisco police officer injured on the ground near the plaza.

The event was canceled, though both sides stuck around in the area into the late afternoon. [Protest organizer Phillip] Anderson had also planned a protest against big tech outside of Twitter’s headquarters, according to NBC Bay Area.

The San Francisco Police Department said three cops suffered minor injuries when they were assaulted with pepper spray and caustic chemicals. One officer was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

No arrests were made.

Video showing the unprovoked attack by ANTIFA mob, inckuding the white guy sucker-punching Mr. Wislon can be found at the link. It’d be foolish to be in any city of any size November 4th, as the LEFT riots, and win, lose, or draw, they’ll be out smashing things and people.