Can't hurt, might help

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Up in Maine, Republican Senator Susan Collins is behind in the polls to a Rhode Island carpet bagger named Sarah Gideon (no relation). The Democrats have targeted Maine in their quest to regain control of the Senate, and the money is pouring into the state: $100 million spent so far (2014 election total was $8 million), with $76 million of that going to Gideon, $24 to Collins. So Collin is in trouble: enter, genius.

Anything Trump is in favor of, hydoxychloroqine, peace in the Middle East, lifting the national lockdown to save the economy, is immediately denounced by the hysterical Left and its media branch, the mainstream press. Conversley, anything Trump opposes, billions to Iran to fund terrorism, the development of nuclear weapons by that same country, a ban on mandatory intersectional struggle seessions for federal employees, is embraced and cheered by those same zealots.

A Trump endoresement of Collins would only cement the opposition aganst her; maybe his attack on her will drive the mildly Trump-deranged to switch their vote, if opnly to thwart the Tangerine Man.

Worth a shot.