I fear he's wrong

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“The Gaslight Election Won’t Work”

Thaddeus McCotter:

I recently chatted with a veteran political observer who asked my opinion on a matter confounding him. Apparently, this observer had conversed with an equally politically savvy person, and the pair had shared a puzzlement over the dearth of audiences at former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign appearances. They were further befuddled by the media treating this as if it were perfectly normal. Ultimately, both deemed the 2020 presidential election the oddest not only in their lifetimes, but in all of American history. They felt something was missing, but couldn’t divine what.

I opined that the Democrats are running a “gaslight election.” What was missing from the Democratic Party was a real candidate and issues. In the past, these have been requisite for waging a campaign for the White House. Today, though, the Democrats, quite deliberately, have turned the 2020 presidential election from a contest into a referendum.

This explains the Democratic Party power brokers’ selection of Biden to serve as a “safe” face for the party, one that needs to do little more than read platitudes from his teleprompter. 

Biden is not driving and has not driven the campaign. He and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), are both along for the opaque windowed limousine ride. Biden-Harris are nothing but a Democratic generic ballot: “Who would you vote for today, President Trump or a Democrat?”

Yet, the American electorate is still accustomed to being respected enough that a party is expected to provide a real candidate and positions on issues.  ….

Consequently, in conjunction with their elitist left-wing pillars of support—namely the media, academia, tech, and other corporate titans—Democrats are gaslighting voters. Their goal is to conceal the Democrats’ absence of a real candidate and issues; confuse the majority of voters who believe they are better off than they were four years ago—you know, when Biden was vice president—to the point that they question their conclusions. ……

Whatever they claim, one electoral maxim is beginning to bite the Democrats in their proverbial nether regions: voters want to vote for something

This something can be a candidate; this something can be an issue; but this something cannot be nothing. This is especially true for independents, who can’t stand either party. Hence Biden’s ads where he recites vacuous platitudes, as if he’s running to be America’s life coach. 

But voters see through this; and, unable to suspend their disbelief during the Democrats’ Gaslight Election, voters cast a pox upon both political houses by not voting—including Democrats. Ergo, the Democrats’ attempts to prolong the election; and Pelosi’s 2020 version of Peter Strzok’s “insurance policy.” As even Democrats are being turned off by their party’s gaslight election, the Left needs more time to drag them to the polls one way or another.

But contrary to McCotter’s hypothesis, Trump Derangement Syndome is rampant. This Madison (well, Madison) potential voter doesn’t care about mere “issues” — she just hates Trump.

[Mary] Klein said Biden’s name will be checked on her ballot for a reason unrelated to his policies.

“I believe that he is a good person,” Klein said. “I believe this election comes down to good versus evil.”

There are a lot of Marys out there. We can hope they’ll stay home, but will they?