The Perfesser's right, as always

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He summarizes it nicely, in one word

PATHETIC:  Pitt Law Adjunct Prof Resigns After Using N-Word In Class On Offensive Speech.

Related:  French Teacher Beheaded After Discussing Mohammad Cartoons.

As recently as six years ago, Harvard law students were satisfied with professors merely issuing “triggering warnings” before discussing sexual assault crimes in Crim I (or any class — one professor was asked by a student not to use the word 'violate' in class — as in ‘Does this conduct violate the law?’ — because the word was triggering.) Today, anything and everything is a fireable offense.

I wonder if there’s a teacher anywhere in this fine country of ours who’s brave enough, or suicidal enough, to assign Huckleberry Finn as even a suggested reading?