Trust the science: pussy hats prevent COVID

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Thousands of deranged women travel to Washington to protest … oh, who cares what they’re angry about this time?

Sounds like a super spreader event, right? No, no. The mitigation measures to battle the coronavirus pandemic only apply to some events and activities, not large protests in American cities. The protesters are magically inoculated from being infected, apparently. Only Trump supporters attending a campaign rally or church members attending a church service infect each other.

… Also, there are quarantine restrictions on visitors to Washington, D.C. and those must have been waived for all the out-of-state protesters. The story of a young woman driving up from Florida with her mother and grandmother to attend the Women’s March, an 18-hour car trip, shows that the rules only apply to some people. 

Remember when we were told that women have to support other women? That, too, is no longer true. If a conservative woman is nominated for the Supreme Court, liberal women by the thousands will rise up and march in the streets against that nomination, as happened Saturday ….

[just as “believe all women” doesn’t apply to women who claim that Biden inserted his finger into their vagina - ED]

…. The Washington Post reports that the marchers were mostly white. And there were lots of signs being held up. One read, “Trump is an unstable penis!” held by what looks to be a white man.