Funniest video you'll see today

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Fox News reporter Leland Vittert questions Biden surrogate Jenna Arnold on Biden scandal. She handles it … poorly.

You’ll want to click over to the video (Fox News video, not, alas, Hunter’s) for the full fun, but here’ a sampling:

"Jenna, it's real simple. You're saying it's unconfirmed. Tell us what parts are not true," Vittert hit back. "Hunter Biden knows what emails he has and hasn't sent. Are you saying, and the campaign saying, these emails aren't his?"

Instead of giving a firm "yes" or "no" to the question, Arnold attempted to spin.

"It's unclear to me – I would say what's so important right now, from the American citizen and the media – yourself included, Leland – is to continue to ask clarifying questions about this, why the FBI is investigating," she said.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa," Vittert interjected.

"It's unclear to me – I would say what's so important right now, from the American citizen and the media – yourself included, Leland – is to continue to ask clarifying questions about this, why the FBI is investigating," she said.

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa," Vittert interjected.

"It's imperative to know that the NSA told Trump that Giuliani was being played by these emails –" she went on.

"Again, Jenna, Jenna, Jenna. The easiest thing in the world to do: stop with all the obfuscation. The easiest thing in the world to do would be to say, 'These aren't Hunter Biden's emails,'" the Fox News host explained. "Nobody, including Hunter Biden, and including the campaign, has said it."

Arnold keeps trying to squirm off the hook by changing topics: How dare anyone compare China to Nazi Germany, did you know that Trump killed 200,000 people with the flu he invented, and so on, but Vittert keeps dragging her back until she’s finally forced to admit that no, no one has said that the emails are inauthentic.

Definitely watch the whole thing; it’s short, but it’s deadly.