The woes of a Michigan Millionaire

He’s no ordinary Joe

He’s no ordinary Joe

Trump is killing his small business. O tempora, O mores!

Jim Treacher:

The struggling Michigan bar owner at the center of a Joe Biden campaign ad is actually a wealthy tech investor whose startup was seeded by a large family inheritance.

The ad, which the Biden campaign released Thursday, identifies Michigan entrepreneur Joe Malcoun as co-owner of the Blind Pig, a bar and live music venue in Ann Arbor, Mich…

According to a 2018 interview with local NBC affiliate Click on Detroit, Malcoun became a well-known “angel investor” in local tech startups after receiving a large inheritance from his wife’s late grandfather roughly a decade ago. He described the inheritance as “almost like winning the lottery…”

Malcoun has also repeatedly praised Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s (D.) coronavirus response, saying she “is doing it right” in an April tweet.

The NY Post’s own article on this story includes this heartrending quote:

“We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue. A lot of restaurants, bars that have been mainstays for years will not make it through this. This is Donald Trump’s economy," he continued. "There’s no plan, you don’t know how to move forward. It makes me so angry. My only hope for my family and this business and my community is that Joe Biden wins this election. That’s the kind of person we need.”  

Michigan’s Whitmer has gained national fame for her harsh, arbitrary lockdown rules she created by herself (the power for her to do so was just struck down by her state’s Supreme Court). One of her many odd edicts was that residents would be allowed to use rowboats on the state’s lakes (if they were alone in said craft) but not motorboats. The scientific evidence showing that there’s a difference in infection rates between row boats and power boats? Don’t ask, because she won’t tell. If Malcoun has a complaint about the lockdown’s effect on his bar business, his beef lies with his governor, not the Orange Man.

Back to Treacher:

And didn’t Biden say he would lock down the whole country if “the scientists” said so? Let me just google it real quick… yep, he certainly did say that.

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