This should do the trick

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Portland Maine will allow outdoor dining to continue through January 1st. All music venues are shuttered and either closed permanently or hanging on, barely, by the kindness of strangers. Bars closed, restaurants limited to 25% capacity, if indoor dining is allowed at all, and retail has gone belly up. Sitting outdoors at 20-below may prove to have limited appeal, especially if there’s no longer a reason to visit the city or go out at all.

Maine ruined its economy, destroyed businesses, and unleashed a wave of depression, suicides, alcoholism relapse and increased drug use in order to fight an almost mythical disease. So far, the total numbers, from the start of the panic until today, are:

Cases: 5,989 (“Positive COVID tests” would be more accurate, since the tests don’t necessarily reveal active infections — most aren’t)

Deaths: 146 (80% in nursing homes)

Active cases: 637

Currently hospitalized: 9

Worth it? Some say not.