Tired of the Hunt for Hunter? I am.

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The latest “bombshell” is rumored to be pictures of young Chinese girls on the pervert’s computer. Yawn.

Of interest to me would be evidence that Joe was involved in his son’s business dealings, either profiting from them personally or even just lending his name and supposed influence to help Hunter. We’ve seen a couple of emails to that effect, and there’s a picture of Joe meeting with Hunter’s Ukrainian pals, but the rest of this is as irrelevant as the details of Jeff Toobin’s misaadventures on Zoom; entertaining, but in the context of the election, irrelevant.

I’m hoping that Rudy’s holding back emails that will reveal Joe Biden’s perfidy, but if all he has are more photos of Hunter in a bathtub, with or without a crack pipe, alone or accompanied by a whore, it won’t help the cause (unless, of course, the picture shows Joe in the tub with them — that would be fun).

The important story so far is the exposure of the press corp as partisan scribes for their masters in the Democrat party, but we already knew that; this just makes it more blatantly obvious. I want more. Or less.