Left: Repeal Roe v. Wade, Brown vs. Board of Education!

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Senator Lee defends the concept of a republic over “pure” democracy, left goes crazy.

Here’s a nice summary of the differences between the two:

Key Takeaways: Republic vs. Democracy

  • Republics and democracies both provide a political system in which citizens are represented by elected officials who are sworn to protect their interests.

  • In a pure democracy, laws are made directly by the voting majority leaving the rights of the minority largely unprotected.

  • In a republic, laws are made by representatives chosen the people and must comply with a constitution that specifically protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.

  • The United States, while basically a republic, is best described as a “representative democracy.”  

  • In a republic, an official set of fundamental laws, like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain “inalienable” rights of the people, even if that government was freely chosen by a majority of the people. In a pure democracy, the voting majority has almost limitless power over the minority. 

Desperate, hysterical weighed in immediately. Sample:

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Roe v. Wade and Brown v. Board of Education are just two instances where our constitution was held to overrule laws passed by the majority of voters, abortion and “seperate but equal” laws. You can add, but the ignorant left won’t, gay rights, gay marriage, and dozens of of other laws passed by majorities overruled on constitutional grounds. Pure democracy — mob rule — doesn’t protect minorities and, from my lips to God’s ear, the Lefties will one day find themselves missing that protection.