Has Granny Box Wine lost her mind?

We don’ need no stinkin’ constitution!

We don’ need no stinkin’ constitution!

Pelosi claims she’s going to use the 25th Amendment to depose Trump

Leaving aside the fact that the election is three weeks away and the American voters can achieve that by themselves, Pelosi’s theatre discloses a deranged mind and complete ignorance of the constitution. The 25th Amendment, fourth article, provides a process for removing a sitting president: Here’s the process, outlined in The Hill:

Under this article, the vice president and cabinet officials would vote on the removal of the president. If the majority votes for removal, then a letter is sent to the president pro tempore of the Senate, now Sen. Hatch (R-Utah), and Speaker of the House, now Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), informing them of their vote.

The president could send a counter-letter saying he is capable of performing his duties, allowing the president to continue work as usual, unless the vice president and cabinet send another letter within four days restating their case. Under such circumstances, the vice president would become the acting president while Congress votes.

Both houses of Congress would have to vote within 21 days in this case, and a two-thirds vote from each chamber is required to remove the president from office and fully institute the vice president as the replacement. If the vote in either chamber was to fall short, the president would resume his duties.

I so hope she tries this today, because she’ll just illustrate how desperate Democrats are, and demonstrate to undecided voters how and why the Russia hoax and the doomed-to-fail impeachment trial were initiated and prosecuted. If I were a Democrat, I’d wonder whether it wasn’t time to strip this lunatic of her position as Speaker of the House. And if I were an undecided voter, I’d ask if the country can afford the risk of a feeble-minded 80-year-old being second in line behind an equally-senile 78-year-old president, and vote accordingly.

UPDATE: I try not to write down to too-low a level of intelligence because the readers of this blog are almost exclusively bright, educated, and breathe with their mouths closed. But we have the occasional troll who shows up and, confronted by something beyond his understanding, chimes in with a comment displaying his rage at his incomprehension: Commenter “Harbor 7’, a/k/a “Short Bus Kid”, has just done that. Assuming his reading comprehension is as low as his IQ, and that he chaps his lips when he reads, I’ll use a picture to (try to) explain te concept of “second in line”, instead of using written words:

second in line.jpg