Flush with victory, public schools double-down on indoctrination

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You might think these people would declare “Mission Accomplished”, but instead they’ve turned to nailing the final nails in our country’s heritage and future.

Illinois sets new, mandatory “progressive curriculum” standards.


The culturally responsive teacher and leader will: Understand and value the notion that multiple lived experiences exist, that there is not one “correct” way of doing or understanding something, and that what is seen as “correct” is most often based on our lived experiences … Recognize how their identity (race/ethnicity, national emotional ability, socioeconomic class, religion, etc.) affects their perspectives and beliefs about pedagogy and students.

Illinois is not alone. Last week I posted on Virginia’s curriculum “reform” that will introduce the history of slavery into its kindergarten classes.

“Sugarcoating or ignoring slavery until later grades makes students more upset by or even resistant to true stories about American history,” the curriculum reads.

An article in The Encyclopedia Britannica is illustrative:

Education under communism

The communist revolution aimed at being total revolution, demanding no less than the establishing of a new society radically different from what the orthodox communists called the feudal society of traditional China. This new society called for people with new loyalties, new motivations, and new concepts of individual and group life. Education was recognized as playing a strategic role in achieving this revolution and development. Specifically, education was called upon to produce, on the one hand, zealous revolutionaries ready to rebel against the old society and fight to establish a new order and, at the same time, to bring up a new generation of skilled workers and technical personnel to take up the multitudinous tasks of development and modernization.

Howard Zinn’s communist screed is now the standard history text for America’s high schoolers, the NYTs “1619 Project” is swamping our elementary schools, and college science classes, even engineering schools teach that “there’s no one right answer”, and bridges, say, are to be designed and built in accordance with a student’s “life experiences” and struggles within the systemic racism of Amerikka..

Look out below.