Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, finger of birth-strangled babe

COVID Experts confer and prescribe

COVID Experts confer and prescribe

Following the science, Maine joins other states and imposes a 10:00 PM curfew on restaurants, bars, movie houses and gyms.

Except that there is no science behind these curfews: none. No evidence that even hints that COVID germs come out when the lights grow dim, no evidence that closing early has stopped a single case of flu.

Go ahead. DuckDuck it yourself: “Why 10:00 P.M. Covid curfew?”. You’ll turn up lots of “answers”, all of which amount to, “well, that’s what they’re doing in other countries”, and “COVID is really, really scary, so we want to err on the side of caution”, and, “because we say so”. Not a single study showing a reduction of cases after these curfews, or and increase without.

It’s all Kabuki, and it’s all bullshit. It does, however accelerate the permanent ruin of these establishments. I know that’s the point of the exercise, but I can’t figure out why our politicians are doing it.

I’m from the department of health, and boy do i have something to sell you!

I’m from the department of health, and boy do i have something to sell you!