Homer removed from Lawrence, MA school curriculum because ...?

good bye1

good bye1

In the accelerating movement to erase history, a woke public school teacher has persuaded her employer to cancel Homer.

One Heather Levine exults that, thanks to her, Lawrence public school students will no longer be exposed to the Odyssey.

Not to be outdone,

self-described “antiracist teacher” Lorena Germán complained that many classics were written more than 70 years ago: “Think of US society before then & the values that shaped this nation afterwards. THAT is what is in those books.”

Told by FWIW that Homer lived approximately 3,000 years ago, both educators were baffled; “but no, that’s not true”, Ms. German protested, “ they’re still doing it — I actually saw it happen on TV just a few months ago. A homer is just another display of male toxicity, and it has to be ended, now!” She then excused herself, saying that she had a classroom of mush minds to tend to and mold.

It was just twenty years ago that the Taliban’s destruction of 2,000-year-old statues of Budha was universally condemned; today, that same historical vandalism is cheered by all proper-thinking people.