Nattering Nabobs of Negativism

Jane, you ignorant slut

Jane, you ignorant slut

Dumbest question of a woman posing as a reporter at VP Pence’s presser:

Paraphrasing, but close enough, “Mr. Vice President, how are you going to get more hospital beds so that tens of thousands of Americans won’t die, and how quickly will you be getting more ventilators so that thousands don’t suffocate?” [updated to reflect EOS’s correction]

These midgets, these execrable lilliputians of the press, think they have the right and the ability to editorialize in press conferences when no one cares.

How about self-isolation for all of them?

RELATED: CNN Bryan Stelter slams Surgeon General for criticizing reporters. I’m sure that if Stelter could identify a real reporter and point him out, the Surgeon General would be glad to apologize to that individual.