Democrats to America: Drop Dead

Never let a serious crisis interfere with an election

Never let a serious crisis interfere with an election

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UPDATE: Even the NYT is blaming the Democrats for this. The market futures are plummeting as I write this and by 9:30, when there’s another vote scheduled, we should be in full financial meltdown. Will that move the Democrats? Stay tuned.

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Senate Democrats on Wednesday blocked action on an emerging deal to prop up an economy devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, paralyzing the progress of a nearly $2 trillion government rescue package they said failed to adequately protect workers or impose strict enough restrictions on bailed-out businesses.

The party-line vote was a stunning setback after three days of fast-paced negotiations between senators and administration officials to reach a bipartisan compromise on legislation that is expected to be the largest economic stimulus package in American history — now expected to cost $1.8 trillion or more. In a 47-to-47 vote, the Senate fell short of the 60 votes that would have been needed to advance the measure, even as talks continued between behind the scenes between Democrats and the White House to salvage a compromise.

The failure to move forward shook financial markets and threatened an ambitious timeline set by the Trump administration and leading Republicans to move the rescue package through the Senate on Monday and enact it within days.

In voting to block action, Democrats risked a political backlash if they are seen as obstructing progress on a measure that is widely regarded as crucial to aid desperate Americans and prop up a flagging economy.

UPDATE: The NYT’s Propaganda Department was apparently asleep at the wheel when its first headline was composed. Over at Red State there’s a collection of the ever-changing headline, culminating, at least by 9:30 last night, with one that properly presented the situation.:

Eventually I’m sure they’ll get it right and make it more succinct: ORANGE MAN BAD!

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