Shelter in (your summer) place? Not necessarily a smart move

Ready the ACK ACK guns

Ready the ACK ACK guns

The rich are fleeing New York for Nantucket, exchanging one death trap for another.

Despite the area having just one hospital, two dozen beds and three ventilators, the super-rich are still fleeing to their summer palaces on the tiny isle of Nantucket, Mass. — which saw its first case of the COVID-19 infection on Sunday. Officials are now begging them to stay away during the coronavirus pandemic.

Nantucket is a “medical desert,” Nantucket Cottage Hospital CEO Gary Shaw told the Lily, noting a shortage of doctors and the fact that there are no intensive care units on the island. “I have 14 beds and three ventilators. It’s straight math . . . If anyone gets a hangnail, they get shipped off to Boston.”

… Shaw said he’s turned on the refrigerators at the island morgue.

If New Yorkers feel they really must swarm out from the City, and who can blame them, I’d suggest Greenwich as a better destination than Nantucket; it’s closer, there are fewer people from New Jersey and, while your chances against dying in Greenwich Hospital are no better than at any other Third World health facility, your grieving relatives will be treated to lovely player-piano tunes in the lobby and served genuine Starbucks lattes while on death watch. Be considerate.