Excellent video on covid prevention from a doctor on the front line

Out of stock — check your garage

Out of stock — check your garage

Gideon forwarded this long: 56 minute, video from a Dr. David Price, Cornell Medical Center in NYC. Price says he is now exclusively treating COVID patients who have been admitted to the hospital and requiring ventilators, so he’s seeing the worst cases. His message, though is fairly reassuring, in that he says the virus does not seem to be transmitted by aerosol contamination but only by infected hands transferring it to the face. Good information on how to prevent that, and how to protect your family when one of you gets sick anyway. I hadn’t intended to watch the whole thing but that’s what I ended to doing anyway.

One point he emphasizes: He’s putting a lot of 30-45-year-olds onto ventilators. “You are at serious risk at any age over twenty, and maybe over 16”.

OKAY, I tried repeatedly and failed just as often to embed the video. But if you’re so inclined, you can head over to it from here.