The only difference in our opinions is that he says he likes Biden, while I never did

“Wife, sister; in West Virginia what difference, really, does it make?”

“Wife, sister; in West Virginia what difference, really, does it make?”

Tucker Carlson: Joe Biden will not be the Democrat’s nominee

Speaking of the coming “reorder of our politics” due to the coronavirus pandemic, Carlson said, “I am utterly convinced, and would bet money, that Joe Biden will not be the Democratic nominee on election day. I just don’t believe that. I really don’t.”


“How does that math work?” asked another co-host.

“Well, the math doesn’t work, but it’s not about math, it’s about will,” said the Daily Caller co-founder. “So the Democratic Party is intent on taking power, period, period, and they mean it, and they’re willing to do kind of whatever they think works. I mean that’s demonstrable.”

Stating that Biden “is not prepared” and “can’t beat” President Trump or “lead the country,” Carlson noted his mental decline.

“He shouldn’t be working still,” he said. “I’m not being mean. I know him. I’ve always liked him. But that’s true. And so, those are two trains traveling toward each other at high speed. Two competing imperatives. We’ve got to win, but we’ve got a guy who can’t win. Therefore, they’re gonna replace him.” 

“This is not the guy I’ve known, and you can ask anybody who knows him or has watched him,” Carlson continued. “This is not him. He’s a completely different person, and he’s in decline and I feel bad about it. That’ll be me someday … I hope somebody loves me enough to not let me run for president.”


“If I had to bet I would think Andrew Cuomo would be the most likely to replace Biden,” he said before a discussion about the 1968 Democratic convention, when former Vice President Hubert Humphrey won the nomination despite not winning any of the state primary elections.

Mind you, Mr. “If a Woman Alleges Sexual Assault You Should Believe Her” may quit in shame even before his party dumps him, because of Tara Reade’s charge that he slipped her the finger.

I still think we’ll see Michelle, but I do agree with Carlson that we won’t be hearing an acceptance speech from JoMentum this summer.