Well this is a relief; they have enough trouble as it is

No hay gripe aquí!

No hay gripe aquí!

Mexican governor assures his people that the poor are immune from Kung Flu

Gov. Luis Miguel Barbosa of the state of Puebla, southeast of Mexico City, said, “The majority are wealthy people,” after the government revealed three-quarters of the country’s 475 confirmed cases are from people returning from international travel.

By Thursday the country had 110 news cases, according to Reuters.

“If you are rich, you are at risk,” he said in a news conference that was broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook. “If you are poor, no. We poor people, we are immune.”

Not to be outdone, the president of Mexico, and perhaps in a bid for election as the president of the United States or mayor of New York, has spoken:

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, however, has resisted a stay-at-home order that several US states have enacted and Tuesday told reporters the country would be through “the worst of it” within a month, according to The Guardian.

He also told Mexicans to keep “living life as usual” and encouraged them to go out to eat if they can. “I’ll tell you when not to go out any longer,” he said in a video message Sunday, The Guardian reported.