Sage advice: don't pull a gun on a policeman. And shooting one really pisses them off.

Just guessing here, but he probably didn’t have a New York carry permit, either

Just guessing here, but he probably didn’t have a New York carry permit, either

Newburg, NY man shot and killed after he shot policeman. Guess who’s rioting?

One police officer in Newburgh, N.Y. was shot when trying to arrest an armed man wanted for questioning in a shooting. Bodycam footage clearly shows the man armed with a silver handgun violently resisting arrest, drawing his gun, and shooting the officer before getting shot to death by the police.

Cut and dried case of police defending themselves? Not if you're an activist wanting to stoke the fires of racial hatred.

Newburgh residents rioted that evening after a councilman-at-large, Omari Shakur, bitterly complained about police targeting blacks.

Record Online:

The people who gathered near both scenes were visibly emotional.=

A man standing on the sidewalk on William Street near the police scene, who said he has lived in the City of Newburgh for 50 years, said loudly, “They’re killing us for nothing.”

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Cry me a river.

Question: are these people practicing safe social-distancing?
