Funny, Gideon was speaking of something similar on his radio show today


Paid mourners weep as Bloomberg exits

NEW YORK, NY—Moments after Mike Bloomberg announced he was suspending his campaign, the Bloomberg campaign office was filled with inconsolable mourners, who were compensated handsomely.

"No, Mike, don't drop out -- please!" screamed one woman as she sobbed uncontrollably for the nice sum of $2,500. "We need you! America needs you! We love you, Mike!"

One mourner was seen rolling around on the ground screaming. Another was quieter and more reflective, as he was only paid $50. A high-ranking campaign staffer was reportedly paid over $50,000 to commit seppuku to restore honor to his name after failing the great Mike Bloomberg.

Commenting on the huge, overflowing crowd at David Ogilvy’d memorial service yesterday at Christ Church, Gid expressed a desire to have a similar crowd at his own funeral, but had the modesty to suggest that his mourners might have to be recruited from SAG. I’ll try to get the names of these youngsters, Gid; if they’ll work for scale, we might be able to arrange something suitable.