95% of the U.S. penicillin supply is made in China

Be kind ‚— pretty please?

Be kind ‚— pretty please?

And high blood pressure and cancer drugs and most others. CT scan equipment x-ray machines, in fact almost our entire medical supply system has been outsourced to China. Here’s a thought: Obama lauded our friendly ties to that country, and claimed that they’d be there for us, fighting side-by-side, should a pandemic arise. Let summer, a high Chinese official suggested cutting off penicillin shipments to the U.S. if the trade war continued.

Computers, cell phones, military equipment, even shoes: all controlled by a country hostile to us.

I don’t watch television news (no television at all, actyually) and nine-minutes of Tucker Carlson is a new experience for me, but at the urging of another blogger I watched this. I make the same recommendation as that blogger.

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