Oh puleeze

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Hysteria isn’t helping. This Post Headline’s claim, “as cases soar” is an example of this madness; turns out, the reported cases have “soared” to 76. Wake me when we hit a million.

Better yet, just shut up. I was speaking with a woman of 78 this morning and she expressed real fear of this bug and outlined the draconian preventative measures she was planning. This is a smart, educated, highly successful woman, but she’s bought this story completely. I reminded her that, at her age, she was old enough that she must have lived through a real epidemic: polio, and this ain’t that.

She seemed unconvinced when we parted. She’s an anti-Trumpet, and I wonder whether that has anything to do with her acceptance of the media line and the gullibility of the masses? Regardless, I notice that this is all providing a fine excuse for the masses to change, without pause, from bashing “Big Pharma” yesterday to denouncing the companies today for failing to find a cure quickly enough to avoid cancelling SXSW. All while blaming Trump because, somehow, this is all his fault! Next they’ll be demanding the immediate release of those Mini-Mike Bonus payments, one-million per, promised by Brian Williams and the NYT’s math expert, Myra Gay.

Meanwhile, I just paid $2.25 at the gas pump. It’s all good.

Yes, epidemics are possible

Yes, epidemics are possible