Expected, but still troubling

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Flour is in short supply all around the country, so it’s no huge surprise to see that Amazon’s sold out, but when the giant of American retailers can’t supply a basic staple like flour now, what will things look like when a famine breaks out?

Those preppers, and members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons are instructed to store enough food and household items to remain self-sufficient for 3 months to three years), look wiser every day.

In fact, while looking for a link that explained Mormon teachings on the subject I came across this, all of which sounds very sensible, even if it doesn’t mention ammunition.

Mormons don’t stockpile the food in the basement and forget about it. They use what they store and rotate it. When grocery day comes around, they shop from their food storage for non-perishables and then replace it when they shop at a regular store. This allows them to cut food costs. Since they have everything they need, they can shop only when items are on sale. They can also purchase in bulk, which helps keep costs lower. If poor weather conditions cause the price of sugar to rise, they can use their stored sugar and not replace it until prices go down again.

Mormons have three types of storage. The first is a 72-hour kit. This portable storage has what they might need to take with them if they have to evacuate suddenly and need to care for themselves for 72 hours. This includes food, hygiene materials, blankets and pillows, scriptures, and other necessities. It can also include entertainment items for children who may get bored quickly in a shelter.

The second type of storage is a three-month supply. This includes everything a person needs to survive for three months. It often includes the most common foods the family eats, cleaning and hygiene materials, pet food, and anything else that would be useful in helping a family spend no money for three months.

The third type of storage is long term. Many staples, such as flour and sugar, will keep for many years if stored properly. This group often contains just what a family needs to survive for a long period of time if no other foods were available. Many families strive to have a full year of food and supplies, which will get most families through long-term unemployment or illness. The basic necessity items might cover another year or so.

Mormons are taught not to go into debt to buy the food or to worry about getting it all at once. It is very easy to pick up an extra few cans each time you shop and to add another bag of flour, sugar, or baking soda to your cart. The cost, for most, is negligible, but it quickly adds up to substantial security during difficult times. I once read of a group of women who were very poor. They were taught to place one spoonful of rice into a jar each time they fixed dinner. Eventually the jar would be filled and they could seal it and save it for times when there was not enough food. The lesson learned was that almost anyone can create a food storage, even if the start was modest.

Where do you stash all this food? Mormons hope to find houses with large garages, basements, or pantries, but of course, many do not. Families in small homes and apartments are amazingly creative at finding places to keep their food storage. A coffee table with a table cloth might be hiding several boxes or might even be made of food storage boxes. More boxes may be tucked under beds and in closets. I once had boxes stacked neatly under the edge of a breakfast bar and knowledgeable Mormons always nodded and said, “Food storage!”

Knowing there is plenty to eat, wear, and clean with brings comfort when we are faced with the stress of unemployment. Being able to fix a nice meal with our favorite foods elevates our mood and reassures us things are okay, even though difficult times might be ahead. A mother whose family is ill can rest assured that no one need stagger to a store because there is plenty of food in the house. When a snowstorm threatens, Mormons don’t have to rush to the store unless they want to—they can survive the days they are snowed in.

Food and commodity storage is only part of the Mormon beliefs about self-sufficiency. Mormons are taught that God expects us to do our share in taking care of ourselves. While we certainly trust God, we all do things that show we don’t expect God to hand us our lives with no effort on our part. We get jobs and work hard to provide for our needs and then trust God to make up the difference once we’ve done all we can do ourselves.

Self-sufficiency includes staying out of debt in order to minimize our expenses in times of need and also to allow us to make the best use of our money on a daily basis. Interest is expensive and provides no real benefit.

Mormons are also taught to get an education in something they enjoy that will allow them to provide for their families. Although women are encouraged to remain home with their children if possible, they are also taught to get an education so they can support their families if the need arises. Being prepared to have a career that allows you to live at a moderate level of comfort is an important part of self-sufficiency.