Trouble ahead

Kleptocracy Claws: Granny Wine Box won’t losen her grip on all that lovely money she just printed

Kleptocracy Claws: Granny Wine Box won’t losen her grip on all that lovely money she just printed

Pelosi announces an oversight committee to watch the disbursement of $2 trillion. While she claims she and her fellow Democrats want to weed out and prevent fraud, this will be at best an additional pile of muck gumming up the disbursement of funds and most likely just another Trump-bashing exercise.

“The committee should be acting before the act to protect a lot of waste fraud and abuse. That doesn’t just apply to the government, it should be the private sector as well.”

The body, which will consist of both Republicans and Democrats, will also ensure the federal response is based “on the best possible science,” the House leader added.

‘Acting before the act” presumes pre-approval of spending. “Ensuring that the federal response is based ‘on the best possible science’ also implies pre-disbursement review panels, and what, precisely, constitutes “the best possible science”? WHO guidance that coronavirus wasn’t being transmitted by humans? FDA guidance that facemarks were not useful in preventing the spread of the disease? Unproven but seemingly effective testing techniques for the presence of coronavirus antibodies? Should they be fast-tracked? If so, on who say so? Adam Schiff’s?

The committee will have subpoena power and the right to haul witnesses before grandstanding congressmen looking for a few election-year-boosting television appearances. None of this will stop the waste and inefficiency that’s coming, I predict; in fact, it will just steer more money to special friends of politicians. And it will certainly slow down the transfer of money to people and corporations that need it.