Watch for this latest Newspeak term to sweep the country as our economy collapses

Elián González is shared back to Cuba

Elián González is shared back to Cuba

Cuomo: sending in the National Guard to seize ventilators and other medical equipment from upstate hospitals and sending it to New York City isn’t '“seizing”, it’s “sharing”.

Asked by a reporter how many ventilators he’d seize from upstate New York, and how he’d decide when the situation was bad enough upstate to start bringing ventilators back, Cuomo objected.

“First of all, don’t use the word ‘seize,’ I didn’t use that word, it’s a harsh kind of word,” he said. “It’s a sharing of resources.”

Earlier this week California’s governor Newsom, asked whether he’d let a good crisis go to waste or use the opportunity to “usher in a new progressive era” went for the latter. “It’s an opportunity for reimagining a more progressive era as it related to capitalism, wealth distribution and income inequality”.

Economics is scarcity; that’s why it’s called the dismal science. The power of those who see a fixed pie, one that must be distributed by a central authority is soaring, while that of the “pie growers” is plummeting. Cuomo’s act of “sharing resources” by seizing medical equipment from the politically powerless in northern New York is just a harbinger of worse to come.