This would be aggressive pricing even in better times, I think

Ho hum

Ho hum

Realtor tip of the day: if you don’t bring gas to a 2nd story master bedroom fireplace, no one is ever going to bring logs to it, either

Realtor tip of the day: if you don’t bring gas to a 2nd story master bedroom fireplace, no one is ever going to bring logs to it, either

397 Riversville Road, 5 acres up near the Boy Scout’s Seton Reservation, is new today at $6,650,400 (that last $400 is probably negotiable). This area hasn’t seen strong sales in at least the past dozen years — witness that $3.2 sale on N. Porchuck two months ago — and there’s not much here that makes me think this one will be different.

But it’s also listed for rent at $16,000, and that might be a story with a happier ending.