John Hinderaker

Defaced memorial: “The famed 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment, the first all African-American military unit 1863

Defaced memorial: “The famed 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment, the first all African-American military unit 1863

Nihilism in an Emblematic City

Hinderaker’s essay should be read in full, but hert’s the conclusion:

“No doubt [Lincoln’s] greatest speech will be rephrased in Newspeak for future generations by the Ministry of Truth:

Twelve-score and four years ago a small elite of white, male, hetero-normative, cis-gendered property owners among the 1% brought forth on this continent, stolen from the Indigenous Peoples who lived here for millennia, a new Nation, conceived in African slavery and dedicated to the proposition of white, male, hetero-normative, cisgender supremacy. We are now engaged in a great civil war struggle testing whether that Nation, or any Nation so conceived, should continue to endure.

“These events may seem, individually, simply extreme manifestations of left-wing lunacy with no real or permanent significance. To believe that is a mistake. Because the objective, completely undisguised and forthrightly embraced, is the erasure of the United States into New Transformed America™ directed by the radicals in the MSM, the academic-industrial complex and activist Democrats–“whether you like it not.” “2, 4, 6, 8, America was never great,” they proclaim and Andrew Cuomo, among others has publicly stated his agreement.

The now thoroughly unreadable New York Times proclaims the New Transformed America™ ideology at every turn starting with the reprehensible 1619 Project soon to be mandatory everywhere. But the real goal, and the disgrace in Boston, is a harbinger of the Cultural Revolution to come: their strategic end state, is not just 1619. They’re really going after 1776.”