"There are no Obama judges". Uh huh.

Liar, liar, pants on fire

Liar, liar, pants on fire

So claimed Justice Roberts, he who caved on Obama Kare to avoid the political heat and whose colleague Ginsburg publicly denounced Trump as “an idiot”. Now he’s gone still further, ruling that Trump can’t rescind by executive order what Obama enacted by executive order.

Obama himself admitted he lacked the power to create DACA after Congress failed to act, but he went ahead and did it anyway. By overruling both Congress, which refused to extend DACA, and the president, who rescinded it, Roberts and his cronies have gone past even FDR’s court which, while it ran roughshod over Congress and the Constitution, at least had the excuse that they were bowing to a President’s power. Roberts has usurped that power for himself.

Editorial on this story here.