Bolton's "Turning point" was Trump's refusal to bomb Iran, despite Bolton's urging and advice


Not so very long ago, a president who defied his advisors and didn’t embroil us deeper into war would have been applauded by the Left; in fact, Bolton himself was prominent on their hate list, but … Orange Man.*

“I want to talk about this in terms of what John Bolton called the turning point for him with Mr. Trump, which Bolton said was ‘the most irrational thing I ever saw a president do,'” said [Bolton’s former chief of staff] Fleitz, responding to MacCallum’s question about why Bolton wrote and released the book. “And this was when President Trump decided last June not to bomb Iran at the advice of John Bolton and other national security advisors.”

Recalling when Trump decided not to attack Iran after a U.S. drone was shot down because “we would have killed 100-200 people,” Fleitz called it a “principled decision.”

“This was not to win votes,” he said. “This wasn’t to promote the president domestically. It reflected the presidents’s principle not to get America into additional wars. And it was an act of leadership, because he bucked all of his national security advisors, Pompeo, the Secretary of Defense, so when we hear that the president does not have principles, he’s not qualified to lead, this incident that Bolton puts forward as the turning point for his relationship with President Trump in my mind it disproves the whole book.” 

*Sample here, from 2015

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton, currently employed as a crank for hire by Fox News, who was all-in for George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq for having weapons of mass destructionit didn’t, in fact, have, wants President Barack Obama to bomb Iraq and begin yet another Middle Eastern War. 

…. Bolton was catastrophically wrong then, and you might remember Megyn Kelly, in one of her finer moments of 2014, lacerating him with, “You know that a lot of people are out there tonight saying, ‘Well, weren’t you one of the people who was in favor of going into Iraq in the first place. Is that why you don’t want to discuss the past ten years and whether they were worth it?'”

Yet Bolton wants us to trust him now. Writing in a New York Times op-ed today, he claims that “to stop Iran’s bomb [we] must bomb Iran.” Not only does this sound childish (“if you hit your brother again, I’m going to hit you!”) but its flat-out stupid.

The man who was dead wrong about Iraq wants us to believe that logic is on his side. He says we are facing a “nuclear-arms race if Iran ever acquire[s] weapons capability.”