Swedish Chef next on the chopping block?

That’s Waaasist!

That’s Waaasist!

Nipping at the politically correct heels of the University of Florida’s announcement that it is banning the “Gator Chomp” because someone might somehow think that it refers to feeding negroes to alligators — it doesn’t; never has, never will — the city of Duluth has decided to remove the word “chief” from all job descriptions.

“City leaders are making a push to remove the word “chief” from job titles, calling the term offensive to indigenous people.

At a news conference Wednesday, Duluth Mayor Emily Larson implored City Council members to vote to approve the change next week “so that we have more inclusive leadership and less language that is rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.”

If you didn’t know better, you might assume Duluth has employees like, say, a Heap Big Chief Alderman. That could arguably be “rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.” But no: they are talking about the retitling the city’s chief administrative officer and chief financial officer. On the ground that those titles are offensive to Native Americans.

News flash for Duluth’s city fathers: the word “chief” has nothing to do with Indians. It comes from a Latin progenitor and descends through Old French, taking the form in which we know it in Middle English. When English colonists called Indian leaders chiefs, it was not a derogatory term, but rather a standard English word for a leader.”

A variant of same word is also used to describe the chief cook in a restaurant, as in “Chef de Cuisine”. Idiots. The country is drowning in a sea of idiots.

That’s Waaasist!

That’s Waaasist!