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Michelle is coming.

First: Biden is senile, and when he is finally forced into the sunlight and forced to speak (his party has foolishly agreed to three debates), the public is going to panic. And what then? Too late to get rid of him as the top of the ticket, so there had better be a wildly popular VP candidate as backstop. Assuming he fulfills his pledge, Biden will have selected an uninspiring black woman of little accomplishment as his running mate, and the party will panic. Too late to dump him, but they can always toss the VP overboad and bring on someone else. And they will.

This article on blacks’ pessimism about Biden’s chances and even their willingness to come out to vote notes one exception:

“I bet our numbers come up, because nobody liked Hillary Clinton, but I don’t think they come up much. And I know they don’t get back to those record numbers from Obama,” Griffith said of Black voter turnout. “We look at Joe Biden and see more of the same. It’s about the era he came up. It’s about his identity—he’s a rich, old white man. What are his credentials to us, other than Obama picking him? It’s nice that he worked with Obama. But let’s keep it real: That was a political calculation. Obama thought he needed a white man to get elected, just like Biden thinks he needs a Black woman to get elected. We can see through that.”

The exception?

“If he puts Michelle on the ticket, everybody turns out.”

As will every single one of the white ladies who protest.