It's clear that Bob Horton wasn't picked for flag football and still resents that

From the folks who brought you our music hall …

From the folks who brought you our music hall …

And neither did I, but both Bob and I have paid a lot of property taxes to the town, and that should qualify either of us, or any taxpayer, to question this boondoggle.

Call “Time Out” On New Stadium Project

I’ve been writing about Greenwich for more than 11 years now, and I think it’s fair to say that I spend more time than most people following civic life in town. I have never been more confused about the who, what, when, where and why of a project than I am about the proposed new GHS Cardinal Stadium.

I have found it next to impossible to follow how a simple bleacher repair job, identified two years ago, morphed into a $10- to $15 million new stadium complex that is now before the Planning and Zoning Commission.

According to information on the P&Z website, it is holding a two-part public hearing Tuesday about the new Cardinal Stadium complex.

First it will consider placing the entire 55-acre school campus in the R-20 zone; then it will take up the school board’s application for a special permit for the “Cardinal Stadium Bleachers Project.” Now read what the so-called “bleachers project” includes: “replace home side bleachers and press box with elevator access; construct buildings under the bleachers to provide home team room; public toilet rooms and support spaces … upgrade the access drive to the bleacher area for delivery; food trucks, emergency access; an improved driveway from East Putnam Avenue to a new parking area that contains new ADA parking spaces; a new ticket kiosk; and replacement of the lighting fixtures on the current poles.”

Even that punctuation is confusing. And, that is just Phase 1. Phase 2 is not described, but I suspect it will include luxury boxes, a 360-degree Jumbotron, and enough other deluxe amenities such that Greenwich may apply to host Super Bowl LX.