Minneapolis city council members vote to replace their private security guards with social workers and therapists

Pigs in a blanket fry’em like bacon!

Pigs in a blanket fry’em like bacon!

Well no, they haven’t done that, actually. Instead, after voting 12-0 to dismantle the police department it was revealed that they’ve been using taxpayer funds to rent private cops for themselves. “Yes, black lives matter”, council member Andrea (neé Andrew) Jenkins told FWIW, but ‘matters’ ain’t necessarily ‘equal’, and we be more equal than them others.”

Meanwhile, BLM spokesman Mr. Rashad Turner concedes that the chant “fry’em like bacon” was perhaps misinterpreted. “It definitely wasn’t a threat, I don’t know, maybe it would have been received differently if we’d said ‘put ‘em on a stick’.”

I don’t think so.