Kung Flu continues to work his magic in our elephant graveyard

613 Round Hill

613 Round Hill

More old, unloved listings are moving.

613 Round Hill Road, Banksville (or might as well be), asking $2.950 and now pending after 494 days on market. The sellers paid $3.999 for it in 2007 and started off at $3.8 this time in January 2019, so a bit of a disappointing outcome, but at least a buyer has appeared.

7 Dempsey

7 Dempsey

7 Dempsey Lane, a 12-acre parcel with two lots, has sold for $2.8 million. Possibly because most of those twelve acres are swamp, it took 660 days (and price cuts to an initial ask of $4.490) to finally find someone willing to jump into the deal with both feet. Another buyer did dip his toe in the water earlier, entering into a contract in December 2018, but his enthusiasm seems to have been drained by the development process and the deal fell through.
