You don't threaten the King and his minions

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Publius has sent along this link to a Zero Hedge article on establishment Republicans creating a super PAC to defeat Trump. Theirs is just one part of the plan; the Republicans were always about maintaining their rich, lucrative alliance with the Democrats, which explains their fury at anyone: Trump, the Tea Party, Rand Paul, anyone who threatens their hegenomy.

Another example: Never Trumpers’ “Lincoln Project” seeks to turn the government over to the Democrats. Focusing on defeating four specific Republican senators including Maine’s Sue Collins, an almost-pure RHINO whose only sin was giving a principled speech in favor of Kavanaugh. And try to contain your surprise: they’re lining their pockets with the proceeds.

And from the truly clueless, “you’ll like me, you’ll really like me” Sally Fields division of the GOP, this:

Three Republicans: Cornyn, TX; Langford, OK; and Johnson, WI are introducing legislation to make Juneteenth a federal holiday and cancel Columbus Day. Presumably, Christmas is next on the cancel list, to be replaced by Kwanza.

The Juneteenth panderers are just a distraction; the real point is that the Washington establishment is a monolith, comprised of both political parties, the media, the intelligence services* and the courts, and that same establishment will stop at nothing to quash the ephemeral rebellion that has flared up oh so briefly.

Happy Independence Day.

*Schumer’s warning to Trump: ”the Intelligence community has six ways from Sunday at getting back on you”.