Whew! I guess Mt. Rushmore and Lincoln statues are safe after all

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Biden Admits that Trump is our first racist president.

“No, Roosevelt wasn’t being racist when he rounded up 120,000 Jap citizens and stuck ‘em in concentration camps”, Mumbles called out from his basement window to FWIW’s ace reporter, “ because, first of all, everyone involved was a Democrat: California’’s Governor, the Supreme Court — well except for the two Republicans — and FDR himself. FDR! Democrats can’t be racists; just ask my friend Bobby Byrd.

“And these guys knew exactly who they were imprisoning: anyone with 1/16 of Jap blood, unlike Trump and my constituents, who can’t tell the difference between a Chink, a Jap and … are there other Asians? What am I talking about here?

“Anyway, let’s leave those statues alone, at least until I hear otherwise from my bosses.”