Why don't they give up their privileged seats at the University itself?

And we’re redistributing our grades to the less fortunate, too

And we’re redistributing our grades to the less fortunate, too

White UConn student government leaders resign “to create space” for (American) Indians, blacks, and transvestites.

I feel that it is my duty to step down from my position to make space for BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) voices to truly rise and be heard. It is my responsibility to make space, not to create an echo.

Ose is also pressuring the remaining white members of the student government to resign, asking them to consider their “intent” in student leadership (to lead?) and whether they “truly” believe “they are making space for the voices that need to be heard right now” – the aforementioned BIPOCs.

Seriously: white students and their peers at Harvard, Brown, Middlebury, etc. are occupying seats obtained solely through their white privilege, not ability, and racial justice demands that they yield their placeto their oppressed victims.