Dinner with the power brokers

No room at the inn? Nonsense — call Joe

No room at the inn? Nonsense — call Joe

Dined with Gideon, the Indomitable Susie, and Joe Barbieri at L’escale last night. It was a great evening on the deck, the restaurant seems to be flourishing, and perhaps best of all, the conversation didn’t center on real estate (though we did swap tales of some of our most bizarre encounters and experiences with would-be buyers over the years).

The most impressive part of the evening though, aside from the news that Joe and Gideon are working on another blockbuster deal, is that Joe called the restaurant at 6:10 to reserve a table for four at 7:00. As Gideon texted me, “I just watched as Joe called his pal, the manager of L’escale and booked a table for us on a Saturday night. Astounding”.

I’m going to try that myself. If you care to join me, I’ll send you the date I’ve secured, probably February, outside,

(Yes, as you’d expect, we snuck out while he was distracted and stuck Joe with the tab — thanks, Joe)