The hate-America movement has now reached its nadir

Game time at the WNBA

Game time at the WNBA

Women basketball players walk off the court during National Anthem, leaving the arena entirely empty.

[ A nobody named Clarendon said]

“I don’t want to hear the anthem, I don’t want to stand out there. I don’t want to be anywhere near it, because it’s ridiculous that justice and freedom are just not offered to everybody equally,” she said.

Attendance at women’s basketball games has consistently ranged from 3-8, depending on how many of the girls’ mothers are in town, so this little display of ignorance and ingratitude is unlikely to change the course of human history.

How significant is the sport? The only way the ladies got any press for their pathetic “season opener” yesterday was to stage a mini-dump on the flag; no one stuck around to report on the game itself, which says all that needs to be said about women’s professional basketball.

If Clarendon’s rubber spheroid falls through a basket and no one is around to see it drop, did it fall at all? Who cares?

UPDATE: The Bee is on it

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