Yippings from the peanut gallery

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For some months now an odd little fellow has been posting on Gideon’s rather somnolent blog, gloating over the imagined collapse of Gideon’s real estate practice due to a boycott of woke-minded persons like himself. Sample: 

Just wonder how much business you have lost being a prominent supporter of Trump? Can’t be good For business when you support someone with such questionable moral and ethical standards?

Either he figured out that it was Gideon’s brother’s blog where all the good stuff is, or he added up Gideon’s sales for just this year, calculated Gideon’s share of the commissions, and stopped when he got into seven figures. Whatever the reason, his nurse having again entrusted him with a crayon, he wrote this time to me:

I thought Chris Fountain was a legitimate real estate broker and was going to refer him to some of my NYC friends. After reading this blog and learning more about his views, I don't think I will. That's called capitalism.

While I naturally regret the loss of those friends’ (the technical term for which being “Harveys”) business, my grief is assuaged by the knowledge that Section 8 housing is practically non-existent in Greenwich, so I couldn’t have helped them anyway.

But I do thank the writer for letting me know what I‘m missing.