Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and get it, good and hard

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Upper West Side residents horrified to see the mayor they voted for move junkies and winos into their neighborhood

“We’re back to where we were fifty years ago,” longtime area resident Michael D’Onofrio told The Post – referring to the area’s decrepit and dangerous conditions in the 1970s.

Don Evans, a restaurant operator and consultant who lives one block away, fumed, “This f—ing mayor. He wants to piss people off.”

Evans, chairman of the Taste of the Upper West Side food festivals, said, “A lot of people on the Upper West Side are away now. They’re going to be shocked when they get back to the city.”

Jane Hershcopf Shreck, a film continuity supervisor and arts administrator who is returning with her husband from a stay on the East End, said, “I’m now terrified to go home.” She’s lived across the street from the Lucerne since 1976 and worries that the homeless influx will revive conditions when “there were places where you couldn’t walk.”

Comments posted on the web site of the Upper West Side Rag, which first reported the Lucerne takeover, included, “As a parent with a young child who owns an apartment close to the Lucerne, I am literally terrified of what this could mean to the safety of our neighborhood and our family.”

And not just homeless winos either. The city’s also importing dozens of sex offenders to live amidst the taxpayers.

Had a single resident of the Upper West Side ever voted for anything except a Democrat in his/her/its/whatever’s life, I’d almost feel sorry for them as their neighbors receive their just desserts. But I doubt such a person exists, so screw ‘em: these are the same people who will force the suburbs to repeal their zoning laws and permit multi-story “moderate income” apartment buildings to be built in single-family zones.

As Ed Koch said upon losing his primary bid to David Dinkins, “the voters have spoken and now they must be punished”. Boy, were they.