Whatever was left on Maine's tourist season after the Covid shutdown, this should finish it

There’s still golf!

There’s still golf!

Woman eaten by Great White off Harpswell

Brother Anthony (never “Tony”, but perhaps “Stumpy” in the near future) summers here. Fortunately for him, he doesn’t surf fish, so no wading for him. And if he ever swam in his life, I wasn’t there to see it.

In related news, the woke of Portland, not to be outdone by their sister-city in the west, have let the homeless set up outside City Hall, erecting tents in front of and blocking the entrance. Because so many of the bums and their allies aren’t wearing face masks or practicing physical distancing, and rather than allow the police to move them, the town has closed the building to citizens and sent its employees home. Day six and counting.

Downton portland is already a ghost town these days, so I suppose this won’t make much difference, but there was a time when cities were more civilized than this.

Portland’s main thoroughfare, Congress Street, 9:45 AM Monday

Portland’s main thoroughfare, Congress Street, 9:45 AM Monday