The Covid panicdemic should continue to fuel Greenwich real estate sales

And outdoor dining is rapidly losing its appeal

And outdoor dining is rapidly losing its appeal

De Blasio intends to keep NYC restaurants and bars closed through June 2021. That’s 25,000 establishments, 300,000 workers.

With offices closed, no entertainment, and crazed criminals on the streets and subways, why would anyone want to stay in the city? Turns out, many don’t, and as leases expire this week, movers report a mass exodus from the madhouse.

On Friday the CDC released its latest analysis of COVID deaths: 94% of the dead suffered from comorbidities. It would be foolish to interpret that as meaning that only 6% of deaths are caused by Kung Flu; certainly many of the 180,000 dead were pushed off the cliff by the added strain of this flu, and many would probably still be alive were it not for this unexpected import from China, but shutting down a city of 10 million when instead the Covid-vulnerable could exercise some self-responsibility by staying home would make more sense.

But that won’t happen; rulers like to rule. As for the future, if Trump wins in November (or is declared the winner sometime next year), the riots will be horrendous, and nice, safe — so far — suburbs will continue to attractive. And if he loses, the country’s headed for hell, but the cities will get there first.